Thursday, September 06, 2007


So I was a lazy ass this morning and didn't pull myself out of bed in time to complete my checklist, and therefore ride. I felt down about not getting out to ride, but I managed to make a healthy breakfast of whole grain hot cereal for Amy and myself.

Ended up driving my car in with my bike in the back. Work went really quickly, and I looked at the clock and realized I had 15 miles to change a tube and get to the train station...

My plan was to leave my car at work (also forcing myself to ride in the next morning) take the train a few miles closer to campus, and then ride my bike the remaining five miles at a wicked rate of speed, sit in class, and then continue once again at a blistering pace a few miles further and carpool with Amy homeward.

I swapped the tube and hauled ass out, got jammed up and at a street crossing thanks to the two ton death boxes, missed the train and ended up driving to school.

Leaving my car at school invited logistical nightmares and possibly financial consequences, so I drove home as well.

One last chance invited itself once I finally did make it home, saying, "ride up the hill, out to the end of the road." I turned it away.

So, I rode: 0 miles

1 comment:

Seth Miller said...

These kind of days are painful and take a chunk out of your ego, but they don't get a thought tomorrow. Try again.

I like the new look of the site.