Monday, August 22, 2005


OK, I have a couple minutes before class, so here is a lit of beers that are wonderfully tasty:

Redhook ESB (Redhook Brewing; Seattle, Washington)
Fuller's ESB (Fuller's Brewery; London, England)
Molson Canadian (Molson Brewing; Somewhere in Canada)
Shiner Bock (Shiner Brewery; some town in South Texas with a German sounding name)
Papst Blue Ribbon (Pabst Brewing; Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

I will review and describe this in my next post, I promise.


Anonymous said...

Hope all is going well with the blog.I'm bookmarking you!

I have a magician london blog. It pretty much covers magician london related stuff.

If you think that might be of some interest to you or some friends then come and check it out if you get time :-)

Josh K said...

Wow, your posted got SPAM'ed. PBR is good? I've never had it. How's it compare to Leinenkugel?