Hello to each and everyone of you who have been wating with bated breath for my return to blogdom. Who am I kidding, hello to me and whoever actually visits this blog after I tell them that I added something. Anywise, everything out in California is going great. School is over until the 20th of June, then I am back for my summer classesI had a bike race last weekend. Technically, it wasn't a "race" because it was on an open course in a National Forest, but everyone involved considered it a race. I did pretty good, I finished in the top 20 out of the 120 that entered. It was a pretty wicked course, 27.5 miles and 5,000 feet of elevation gain. The first 17 miles was all up hill. Here is a write-up
http://http://warriorssociety.org/Events_And_Results/Writeup_Toad2005.htmlHere I am on a cool looking section of trail; I knew I had my seat set kinda low near the start, it looks really low in this picture.

So that is about all for right now. I have to go out and ride my bike before it gets late and I start to turn lazy. I will keep the posts more up to date (and more interesting) from now on.
Coming Soon....A report from my last trip into the Sierra Mountains, lots of snow and pictures to share.More about schoolMy thoughts on the newest Star Wars (Which I have only since once so far, I will post after my second viewing)
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